Posted in Uncategorized on August 13, 2009 by Bam "The Roet"

Welcome to Bam’s world

Come right on in

This is a pleasant journey

You are about to begin


I just love to write

Most times I rhyme

But I try to put truth

In every single line


I call myself the Roet

Romantic Poetry is my art

I write to your soul

But mostly to your heart


Now I will flip the script

And tell about social ills

Maybe not how things are

More about how I feel


I hope you enjoy this journey

I do this with you in mind

I pray it brings you joy

Peace and happiness for all time





Can’t Take You Back

Posted in Uncategorized on August 13, 2009 by Bam "The Roet"

When you left

You took my best

Welcomed you back

You took the rest

What can I do

Besides confess

You were my pain

And my happiness


Now here you come

Calling me

With tender words

And sweet apologies

I miss you so

But now you’ll see

I must move on

Since I’ve been set free


I can’t take you back

Though my heart wants to

It is a fact

I’m so lonely without you

My mind’s made up

It’s back on track

I still love you so

But I can’t take you back


The grass ain’t greener

Now you’re telling me

It was your decision

To see how it would be

You once was blind

Now you say you see

But I still hear laughter

When I was on my knees


I planned to love you

For the rest of my life

Planned on dying

With you as my wife

The pain you gave me

Cut like a knife

You calling me now

Just ain’t right


I can’t take you back

Though my heart wants to

It is a fact

I’m so lonely without you

My mind’s made up

It’s back on track

I still love you so

But I can’t take you back






Her Hair

Posted in Uncategorized on August 13, 2009 by Bam "The Roet"

Fascinated sittin on the square

Tried not to but had to stare

Such beauty roaming everywhere

I was captured by her lovely hair


Mastered the look she tried to achieve

She was definitely black I believe

Couldn’t tell if it was real or weave

A bright warm smile I did receive


One had locks and another had braids

One had a bob one a tapered fade

One long and straight with Gucci shades

All had styles with different grades


All the looks drove me wild

The different colors and different styles

Beautiful hair for miles and miles

Framing beautiful black faces and gorgeous smiles


Tried my best not to stare

It’s like ignoring flowers everywhere

I adore you and I don’t care

I’m fascinated by her lovely hair





Posted in Uncategorized on July 30, 2009 by Bam "The Roet"

You can hate me if you want

You can even curse my name

You can tell people I’m the worst

And I’ll love you just the same

You can put stock in all the lies

You can spread new ones too

You don’t have to speak to me again

It won’t stop me from loving you

You can hold on to all your grudges

You can keep throwing up past mistakes

You don’t even have to forgive me

I’ll love you with every breath I take

You can deny my very existance

You can even tell folks I’ve died

You can wish bad things on me

My love for you keeps me alive

Your birth was my blessing

And you are still my blessing today

So no matter what you say or do

I’m gonna love you anyway



Posted in Inspirational on July 30, 2009 by Bam "The Roet"

I have given you my heart

From the moment I saw you

I have held you in my dreams

Like my future and happiness

Depended on it

I have adjusted my life style

To enhance yours

I have sacrificed money, friends, and time

To be at your beck and call

I have allowed you to use me

As a doormat, a sugar daddy, a maid,

An accomplice and stepping stone

I have had enough

Of giving you hundreds of dollars

While you act as if I’ve given you


I have accepted your pennies

While you act as if you’ve given me

Hundreds of dollars

I have listened while you told others

Words I’d been longing to hear

I have held my temper from

Knocking your head clean off

I have emotionally moved on

Though I may not have mentally yet

I have accepted your decisions

To disrespect me, lie to me, and

Hurt me

I have grown stronger

From my pain

I have gained knowledge

From your abuse

I have found peace

From your absence

I have found happiness

From my despair

I have evolved

From what you made me

I have won

From your lost


The Date

Posted in Uncategorized on July 22, 2009 by Bam "The Roet"
The Date
Why am I so nervous
I’m not a girl anymore
This is a simple date
I been on several before

Yes I think he’s special
I thought that of them all
One thing is for sure
I’m gonna have a ball

Tie or no tie
What if she likes a thug
How do I greet her

With a handshake or a hug

I am really trippin’
It’s like I’m in high school again
Let me get myself together
And show her I am a real man

Oh shoot, five more minutes
But he’ll probably be late
And gosh, I’m still nervous
This is just a simple date

Was that the doorbell
Oh My God, he’s here
Let’s make sure the girls are perky
Add fragrance behind each ear

I shouldn’t have brought the flowers
She’ll think I’m corny as hell
But this is being gentlemanly
And shows I was raised well

I don’t know why I’m nervous
If she’s not into me it’s fine
I like what I know of her
And we’re gonna have a good time

JESUS CHRIST, he’s beautiful
And brought me flowers too
I hope my voice doesn’t tremble
As I say, “Hey Baby. How are you?”

I am lovin’ his outfit
It perfectly compliments his frame
I’ve been staring in his eyes so long
I almost forgot his name

“I’m doing fine now.
But not nearly as fine as you.”
I know that’s an old line
But I didn’t know whatelse to do

I’m staring at this gorgeous woman
Who is about to go out with me
She looked absolutely amazing
But her eyes was all I could see

“Do you want to come in for a sec?
Or are you ready to go?”
“I think we should leave now.
Don’t wanna be late for the show.”

He just opened the door for me
And I thought chivalry was dead
If she smiles at me one more time
I just may lose my head

Handsome, intelligent, and sweet
On top of that he makes me laugh
I have to keep my emotions in check
I’ve been down a similar path

Beautiful, intelligent, and sweet
And she even laughs at my jokes
I need to check myself
This could be just another hoax

Wait, I can’t think negatively
I’m keeping a positive state of mind
This is just a simple date
And we’re gonna have a great time



Posted in Inspirational on July 22, 2009 by Bam "The Roet"

This dedicated to my friend Sharon with love.


I try to do the right thing

But it was so enticing

Felt like I was struck by lightning

And it was so inviting


For a moment I had a feel

Like I had finally found the real

My heart could not keep still

My wound would finally heal


Then it happened again

Sinking like I’m in quicksand

They had let go of my hand

Destroying my master plan


For awhile I sat in the dark

Holding on to my broken heart

Wondering what split us apart

Wondering where I should start


Elusive as it may be

I could never give up on thee

For I know inside of me

Is a desire for L-O-V-E


So I’ll take another chance

And I’ll take another glance

I’ll continue to dance the dance

Until I find my true romance  



If I Could Play God

Posted in Romantic on July 22, 2009 by Bam "The Roet"


If I could play God

For just one day

I would wipe all

Your troubles away



But I’m just a man

Ordinary and plain

Trying to find a way

To take away your pain



If I could play God

For just a little while

I’d only create

Things to make you smile



But I’m just a man

Doing all I can

To make you believe

In love again



If I could play God

For a moment in time

I’d use all my power

To make you forever mine











Posted in Romantic on July 22, 2009 by Bam "The Roet"

Inspired by a  real conversation with the one I loved





I told her

 You are so Beautiful

 She said

 What do you mean by


 My mind said

 Like those sunsets you see on greeting cards

 Overlooking the ocean of some exotic city

 Sensuous looking clouds explored by birds

 And the silhouettes of people unknown

 But my mouth said

Beautiful, you know


She said

 No I don’t know

 My mind said

 Like that flower that is not a rose

 It has the brightest colors seen

 Trimmed with the perfect offsetting hue

 Growing in the oddest place

 Yet it’s exactly where it should be


 But my mouth said

 Beautiful, you know

 She said

 No, I really don’t know

 My mind said

 Like the visions I have listening to good music

 The midnight sky when stars are so numerous

 The moon pushes its way through illuminating every eye

 The breeze is neither too warm nor too cold

 The entire world is at peace with itself

 But my mouth said

 God has shown His greatness

 In the whole of you






Today I…

Posted in Inspirational on July 22, 2009 by Bam "The Roet"



Today I feel the weight

From all of my past mistakes

And I can’t seem to find

The strength to do what it takes


Today I miss my mother

And I miss my daughters even more

One is gone and one is leaving

The pain I can’t ignore


Today I feel unattractive

Though physically I look the same

I just feel so ugly inside

And my mirror is not the blame


Today I have no dreams

I can’t seem to look past this minute

Right now I despise this world

And just about everything in it


Today I just feel empty

Or maybe numb is a better word

Don’t know whether to cry or scream

They both seem so absurd


Today I feel so weak

As if Delilah has crossed my path

While I sit distraught and hurt

She just looks and laughs


Today I don’t feel like writing

Poetry can sooth my nerves

The more I put pen to paper

I realize it’s just rhyming words


Today I Praise God

For all my pain and sorrow

He loves me unconditionally

And Today will be yesterday Tomorrow
