I have given you my heart

From the moment I saw you

I have held you in my dreams

Like my future and happiness

Depended on it

I have adjusted my life style

To enhance yours

I have sacrificed money, friends, and time

To be at your beck and call

I have allowed you to use me

As a doormat, a sugar daddy, a maid,

An accomplice and stepping stone

I have had enough

Of giving you hundreds of dollars

While you act as if I’ve given you


I have accepted your pennies

While you act as if you’ve given me

Hundreds of dollars

I have listened while you told others

Words I’d been longing to hear

I have held my temper from

Knocking your head clean off

I have emotionally moved on

Though I may not have mentally yet

I have accepted your decisions

To disrespect me, lie to me, and

Hurt me

I have grown stronger

From my pain

I have gained knowledge

From your abuse

I have found peace

From your absence

I have found happiness

From my despair

I have evolved

From what you made me

I have won

From your lost


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