Welcome to Bam’s world

Come right on in

This is a pleasant journey

You are about to begin


I just love to write

Most times I rhyme

But I try to put truth

In every single line


I call myself the Roet

Romantic Poetry is my art

I write to your soul

But mostly to your heart


Now I will flip the script

And tell about social ills

Maybe not how things are

More about how I feel


I hope you enjoy this journey

I do this with you in mind

I pray it brings you joy

Peace and happiness for all time





2 Responses to “WELCOME”

  1. April Alferink Says:

    Your soul is beautiful and so is your heart.
    Even though we’ve never met , we both know poetry is gift. and to posses this gift you must have passion ,love, and sympathy , but a beautiful heart and soul is a poets number one key.
    So even tho i dont know you personally
    the first line of this poem is the line I want you to see, because those qualitys are what mean the most to me. God bless you and your family:)

    • Bam "The Roet" Says:

      I am quickly becoming on of your biggest fans. I absolutely adore your writing and I agree with you 100%. Poetry is a gift and I am so glad you have shared your gift with me. I look forward to seeing much more. :-{D>

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