The Day After Midnight

Posted in Romantic on July 22, 2009 by Bam "The Roet"
Some time before midnight
We had joined together
Dancing the night away
Getting to know each other better

There was no doubts about it
We had already fallen in love
Staring into each others eyes
Wondering what we thought of

We melted into one another
Until we completely lost ourselves
We were becoming one
Then came the stroke of twelve

We were quickly seperated
A glass slipper was left behind
A momento of true happiness
Searched for by all mankind

The day after midnight
Somehow we were brought together
Vowing from our hearts and souls
We’ll stay this way forever

Of course the slipper fit
GOD meant it to be this way
He prepared us our whole lives
For this, our wedding day

We met as prince and princess
Today we are Queen and King
Our fairy tale has come true
And the angels start to sing

The love we share is unreal
Yet it’s as real as you and me
Now we have become one
The way it’s suppose to be




Posted in Romantic on July 22, 2009 by Bam "The Roet"

It’s been so very long
Didn’t realize how much I’d miss
That special moment in time
You embraced me with your lips

Holding you in my arms
Feeling you caress my back
Staring deeply into your eyes
Preparing my loving attack


You gently stroke my cheek
And stroke the back of my bald head
Whispering sweet nothings in my ear
Though I don’t know what was said

Dying of anticipation
As my hunger for you grows strong
Hoping that this very moment
Will last our whole life long

I pull you even closer
Can’t take the wait no more
Finally our lips connect
And our tongues start to explore

It’s been so very long
And now as I reminisce
Nothing has ever felt
As wonderful as your kiss


Posted in Romantic on July 22, 2009 by Bam "The Roet"

You look at me
As if
All of your prayers
Have been answered
And you are so happy
I’m home
You rush to me
Arms open wide
Embrace my waist
Press you breast to my chest
Lick your lips
Then OH
You lit the candles
Took a nice scented bath
You smell gooooooooooood
You lead me to 
My own
Filled with rose petals
You strip me down
Then OH
You lotion my entire
Then you allow me
The same pleasure
Your body is perfection
In my eyes
And so soft, so soft, so soft
You turn to me
Look deep into my eyes
Then OH
The bedroom is like
And you are my angel
I want to cry
In the pressence of such beauty
I do
I’ve never been happier
And your smile
The way you look at me
And when you touch me
And tell me you love me


The Bus Ride

Posted in Romantic on July 22, 2009 by Bam "The Roet"

I didn’t prepare for work today
Instead I prepared for you
Carefully mapped out my game plan
Of what I’d say and do

I was in the mirror for hours
Trying to get my look just right
Wiping away all the signs
Of another sleepless night

Normally you star in my dreams
But lately I can’t sleep
I feel it’s time that I awaken
I feel it’s time we meet

I see your stop in the distance
My palms begin to sweat
I go over our meeting in my mind
Though I haven’t seen you yet

I think the driver’s playing with me
He keeps making unnecessary stops
I wish he’d hurry and get you
Before I lose the courage I’ve got

Only one stop away
And I’m shaking like a crap game
I can’t remember any of my plan
So I hang my head in shame

Now I hope you’re not there
I didn’t even look up to see
Then I hear “Good Morning.”
As you sit right next to me

My smile hurts my face
For you just made my day
I hang on to your every word
As we talk along the way

I feel it was a nice start
To much more for the both of us
Never thought I’d find my joy
On the morning Downtown bus

